Thursday, January 28, 2010

First 7...

Here are some pics of the first 7 White Scars that I've painted.  This is the first 7 models that I've ever painted, so cut me a little slack...

I used a white GW primer, based it in a 1:1 foundation white to water mix, and then painted on 4-5 layers of watered down GW Skull White (watered until it looks milky).  The red parts were a Mechrite Red, then a layer of 1:1 watered Mechrite:Blood Red, then the edges were painted Blood Red for a little highlighting...

For the black lining, I used a 0.03mm pen, which I wasn't that happy with.  I found that the lines were too stark, so for my future models, I've decided to use a Badad Black wash and then paint white near the crevices to make it stand out and appear slightly weathered.  I'm not a fan of shiny and perfect white for the armor.

Here are the next 7 models (assembly-line fashion) that I worked on...

Hopefully I'll be able to post more in time...

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