Saturday, January 30, 2010

Space Marines Drool?

Krys saw that I started this little corner and decided to join in, blogging on her Orks.  Someone pass me a napkin?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

WS Termies

Well, after I finished the basic troops, I needed to desperately work on something slightly different, and since the Terminators were the next best choice, I picked those up...


Here's the next 5, with a white coat already done and the first coat of Mechrite Red:Blood Red mix put on the armor (some touch-ups needed):

The arms/weapons have their final coat of White, but still need some red on them:

It's a bit nice to get to something other than basic Marine troops... next up will be bike squad that I picked up, hopefully with the conversion kit I got for Christmas...

Finished the base troops...

Here are some shots of the base troops that I finished up...


Could use a little more practice on my blending technique on this one:

For all of them, I've used the Tamiya Weatherine Master, Set D, to add the grease stains, as you can see below:

I find that the weathering set really adds some nice detail that really stands out on the white.

All of these models were not done using a marker for detailing, which looked MUCH better in my opinion...

First 7...

Here are some pics of the first 7 White Scars that I've painted.  This is the first 7 models that I've ever painted, so cut me a little slack...

I used a white GW primer, based it in a 1:1 foundation white to water mix, and then painted on 4-5 layers of watered down GW Skull White (watered until it looks milky).  The red parts were a Mechrite Red, then a layer of 1:1 watered Mechrite:Blood Red, then the edges were painted Blood Red for a little highlighting...

For the black lining, I used a 0.03mm pen, which I wasn't that happy with.  I found that the lines were too stark, so for my future models, I've decided to use a Badad Black wash and then paint white near the crevices to make it stand out and appear slightly weathered.  I'm not a fan of shiny and perfect white for the armor.

Here are the next 7 models (assembly-line fashion) that I worked on...

Hopefully I'll be able to post more in time...

Newbie on White Scars...

Yep, I'm a newbie.

Last August a friend and my girlfriend (Krystle) walked into the local GamesWorkshop store and immediately fell in love with the game. So Krys dragged me along to it a couple weeks later, and we both ended up buying a starter kit and a hardcover rules book. We then traded units (I took the Space Marines and she took the lowly Orks). And so it began.

Krystle and I both took the new Academy program, so we got the basics of the game and model building (along with the swag like paint and a free model kit :).

Looking through the SM codex, I wasn't sure which chapter to play... until I found myself eyeing the White Scars.

My army consists of mainly the two starter kits, plus some other models that I got for Christmas (which I haven't put together yet). Hopefully I'll be able to finish those off soon for some good games.

I have next to no experience making and painting models, but so far it's been pretty fun. One thing I really find myself enjoying is the painting. So this blog will likely focus on that aspect, with a few paltry game logs in between...